Sunday, June 25, 2006



A female MP has been ordered to resign from the Labour party because of another drink driving offence, the second in two years..

A bit part tv actress who played a police officer in a tv show was fined $1000 and her licence suspended for 18 months. When questioned during the evening about how much she had drunk, she replied "F..., I don't know I have been drinking since one o'clock. She was four times over the limit!!

The Minister in charge of promoting safe motoring was caught driving over the prescribed limit , [twice over the limit,] escaped wth no penalty or conviction

If these three had been aware, that if they had been caught, charged, found guilty of driving over the limit, that they would have had their vehicles impounded for good, I wonder whether they would have used a bit more common sense.

No doubt we shall see and hear more of this criminal stupidity, and no doubt we shall read of, and see the same inadequate penalties imposed.

Further doubt, we shall hear of people being injured and killed after the next long week end, and anything up to some 40 people will be killed duing the Christmas break.

These appalling figures will continue until someone has the political guts and will to bring in draconian laws, hopefully, along the lines I have suggested.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Here on the Central Coast of New South Wales, our long week end was completely spoilt by the news that drivers have been at it again. The current laws, fines, loss of licence, community service appear to be totally useless in dealing effectively with this lunacy.

Something needs to be done now, and only draconian measures are going to have any real effect. For example.

Any driver convicted of drink driving will have the vehicle impounded, - PERMANENTLEY, No appeals allowed, plus the usual punishments to apply,
FURTHER. Insurance comnpanies to be absolved from paying all damage claims to those so convicted.

Unless a term of imprisonment is imposed,or licence withdrawn, the current laws allow the convicted driver back on the roads as soon as he leaves tahe Court.

If you are aware that if you are convicted of drink driving over the prescribed limit
aparts from the usual punishments you will loses your vehicle, probably worth several thousands of dollars, you won't drive when over the limit you? If you do, then you are certifiably insane.

In time of war, if a particular lalw nneeds to be in plaace, it can be done in a week. There is absolutely no raeason why these tough new laws canot be put into place before the next long week end,and most certainly before Christmas.

A friend puts it rather well, however unpopular and expensive these daconian laws are, they need some with the political will to bring system into force.

Most people think they have forever to live, Around 50 have about six months!! between now and the end of January that number, or close to itwill be maimed,
and or killed by the end of next January.

I really am not looking forward to blogging next January with the comment 'I told you so'


Friday, June 09, 2006


I have previously written at some length about the greetings to which we are subjected in retail stores, an supermarkets.

Good morning/afternoon, please and thank you, seem not to be part of the general vocabulary. After my last letter, I was assailed by various people anxious to explain that they were taught to express various versions of 'How are you, Have a nice one etc. The mind boggles at the various nasal type accents in which these words were produced. and one can only wonder who trains the trainer.

Sad to say, the the situation has not improved, except in one incredible instance.

I happened to be in our local Coles supermarket this week, and saying, as usually I do, "Good Morning', I was replied to, with exactly the same words with 'Sir' tacked on the end. Saying I was struck dumb, is putting it midly, more so, when the cashier
[AKA, check out chick!!] said, [looking me straight in the eye],on my completing my purchaser said."Thank you Sir, "

Well, Lordy Lordy, I slowly drove home, took a couple of aspirins had a cup of tea
and lie down in an endeavour to recover from the shock. To try to persuade the Gen/Mgrs of these establishments to train their staff to offer the very basic courtesies, well, I might just as well write to my local council about their lousy water managment programme. To expect a reply is an exercise in futility on both



AKA Carol Armytage