Friday, April 18, 2008


I have written fairly frequently and with some passion regarding the attitude to the older driver question, so I was delighted to read that common sense has at last prevailed.

However, I don't think the new rules go far enough.

I would advocate a medical,eyesight and a two hour driving test for everyone every three years, absolutely no exceptions.

It goes without saying that all those who sit behind a wheel, no matter their colour race religion and anything you can think of, know perfectly well that they are natural drivers who have well above average ability.

Those who have undergone the test tell me it is not an easy test to pass, and one can fail for the slightest transgression and in the blink of any eye.. Perhaps all tests should be as strict. Let us hope they are, but with the standard of ldriving on our roads I doubt it.

I am now informed by the Road Traffic Auhority, [no less] that 90% of drivers who undertake the older drivers driving test pass with flying colours. This would appear to support my contention that the older drivers are very probably the safest group on the road. However,I would be interested to know the pass/fail figures for other groups of drivers.

I live on the central coast about 90 minutes from Sydney, and to be sure, we have our fair share of criminal lunatic drivers. My short journey to and from a shopping mall this saturday morning confirms this view, absolutely.

The Police Service in its various forms visible, not on your life!


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