Monday, January 21, 2008

Tennis Commentary

The standard of commentary offered by Channel seven on the Australian Open is just about the pits.

There are many of us who have eaten drunk and slept with tennis for longer than than current crop of players have been alive. We know what is going on, but the Commentators feel that have to fill the airwaves with their ceaseless and inane chatter non stop.

Here is some sound advice for all who commentate on tennis.

DO NOT speak whilst the service is being taken.
DO NOT speak in between services.
DO NOT speak whilst the ball is in play.
DO NOT hold a post mortem after every point. Entirely unnecessary; and bloody irritating when you have to listen to it after each point.

The paying customers are spared mercifully, to the diatribe dished out, and we, who are glued to our sets know what is going on.

Yes, we can use the mute button, mine is going on and off like a bucket of prawns in the heat. With the mute button off, the atmosphere of the match is completely spoilt.

In short, for God's sake SHUT UP!!!


PS.I suggest the post match interview on the court is scrapped at once. These interviews are painful to endure and unfunny, [Courier the comedian, please note.] All the winner wants to do is get to the shower asap.. not giving a pointless interview.


Blogger Seabee said...

They perhaps need reminding that it's television, not radio.

2:58 AM  

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