Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Draconian Measures.

I have previously written regarding the draconian measures, the measures needed to halt the appalling road toll in Australia.

Now that the Christmas break is over, it is time to look at the situation once again.

We are told that the figures are the lowest they have been for a long time, in other words we haven't killed quite so many people as previously. This might afford some comfort to some, but not I think the 44 families who have lost relatives and friends, not to mention of course, the horrifically injured, many of whom are still in hospital, and some may never leave it.

Although the figures are down, there remains the lunatics who continue to break the law by speeding, and who continue to drive whilst over the limit.

It does seem to me that these cretins have made a conscious choice to break the law, and as such are deserving of the harshest of punishments. Education is needed and is fine, but it takes too long, and we need to get these people off the road now and for good.

Draconian Measures. Recommendations.

Caught speeding twice, your licence is cancelled and your vehicle confiscated for an indeterminate period. Caught three times, your licence is canceled for not less than ten years, and your vehicle is destroyed. If the vehicle belongs to someone else you get to solve the problem, and make your own way to your destination. Your insurance is invalid.


If you are caught drinking and driving, your licence is cancelled permanently and the vehicle destroyed. You will also be subject to the usual punishments and no appeals will be allowed; your insurance becomes invalid.
Once a dozen or so vehicles have been destroyed and the fact highlighted by he media, the rest of the lunatics might just, might just, hesitate before they speed or drink and drive, or both.

Destroying the vehicles solves the problem of storing those which have been confiscated.

As from the 1st of January 2009, all persons without exception who are applying for a driving licence will be required to undergo an eye sight test, a strict medical test, and a two hour driving test. The licence to last just three years only.

These measures should sort the wheat from the chaff.!

We have everything we need to put these measures into place without further delay, all we need is the political will and guts, plus media support.

We are coming up to the long week end, where traditionally a great deal of alcohol is consumed, following that is of course the Easter break.

I wonder how many will be killed during those two breaks, the result of drinking and driving and speeding.

Hello, hello is there anyone out there listening??


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