Thursday, September 28, 2006

For those of you who are familiar with the Central Coast of New South Wales, what do you thin of the idea to change the name of The Haven to 'Crikey Beach Park', this for obvious reasons.

Doubtless there will be other suggested names and places, but I thought this idea rather a nice one. No doubt Gosford Council will take some time to think of all sorts of reasons why it can't be done!


Saturday, September 23, 2006

There has been much speculation, and there still is, regarding the death of Pte Korvco. What I don't understand is why was there live ammunition in the barrack room in the first place. Unless one is on duty, or indulging in organised target practice, live ammunition should be back in the armoury where it belongs. This was the practice in my day and in my Army. Perhaps the Commanding Officer can explain why this practice is allowed. It has been suggested that the soldier might have been cleaning his gun and it went off, Rubbish! Would any trained soldier clean his weapon whilst it was still loaded? Give me a break!Retaining live ammunition against orders to return it to the armoury was a court martial offence in my day. The fact that the soldier was on active service makes not the slightest bit of difference.

Now a comment on the soldiers who have been reported pointing weapons at comrades whilst they were dressed as Arabs. Whilst this is unseemly and in bad taste at best, [one journalist described it as 'skylarking' dear oh dear], this was also a very serious offence. To point a weapon at a comrade, even in jest, would get you into the glass house, [military prison to you] where you would do everything from very early morning till late, at the double and often wearing full FSMO, [full service marching order to you, plus rifle] and whether it was summer or winter, it was a bloody unpleasant way to spend three months. What was certain of course, was that you didn't offend again. But then that was in my day and in my Army. Obviously, things are very different now, and dare I say it, bloody slack!!

Live ammunition in a barrack room, soldiers pointing guns at one another, wonder what other tricks they get up to for amusement. God spare us!!

Sunday, September 10, 2006


After I had posted my brief blog re the death of Steve Irwin, I remembered that George Bernard Shaw once said
"If you would find God, you will find him in the garden". He might well have added, with Steve in mind,. if you would find God, look to the animals, you will find him there also.


Friday, September 08, 2006


Few can clame to be a legend in their own lifetime. I believe Staeve Irwin was and is a genuine legend.

Whatever you think of his style of presentation, there is no doubting his love of everything on and in this planet. [Interesting to reflect that after a lifetime of dealing with the most poisonous snakes in the world he was never once bitten.
He bought over 43,000 of hectares so that animals can live in safety and peace.]

Irwin leaves us with a lesson we all should learn. To love and revere everything on and in this planet, to love family and friends, for there is no substitute.
Irwin's philosophy is the true religion, whataever God you pray to.

Whatever God you do pray to I'm sure he/she would approve. For me,. not a particularly religious person, JC himself, is looking down and saying "Well done thou good and faithful servant".


PS. I can't think of anyone at all who had over 200 million fans around the world, can you?

Monday, September 04, 2006

In memory of Steve Irwin a great Australian conservationist who reminded us how impotant it is to love our planet family and friends. nothing is more important.

The clock of life is wound but once,
and no man has the power to tell
just when the hands will stop at
late or early hour. Now is the only
time you own, so live love, toil
with will, place no faith in
tomorrow, for the clock may then be
