Wednesday, May 24, 2006


We hear the word MOTIVATION a great deal these days, indeed it has become a very fashionable term. The number of books records and tapes on the subject are legion, and indicate that it has a become a multi dollar business. One possible reason maybe that because we live in times of stress and pressure, we need the mental vitamins as well as the other kind, of course this is absolutely true. I have been frequently struck by the way people think more positively at Christmas time
than any other time of the year. We think about families and friends in positive terms, and the more magnanimous among us, even think in positive terms about people we dislike. And, we certainly think about the coming year in positive terms. Pity Christmas comes but once a year!. Many people make all sorts of resolutions for the coming year, which usually last around 14 days. To keep a resolution for a whole year takes a great deal of persistence and determination, more than most people possess. To remain resolute about one particular thing for a year takes a very positive and enthusiastic attitude indeed, but like all worthwhile things in life, it takes hard work and practice, persistence and determination.
It is interesting to remember that we have to be taught to be good from the day we are born. It takes no effort at to be bad. But we have to work hard to be good,it takes a lot of determination and persistence.. Left to our own devices, one can only imagine what sort of adults we would grow up to be. Those of you who play sport, know, that no matter how good you are, to maintain your standard and improve upon it, you have to practice, and that takes enthusiasm, determination and persistence. Motivational books tapes etc help form positive attitudes. These are the mental vitamins,and we need to take them regularly, they keep our mental bowels open

Our minds are like cinema projectors, and the screens our lives, whatever we put into the projector will show up on the screen magnified a thousand times.. Be enthusiastic determined, and persistent. How do you become enthusiastic?, just enthuse, if it's hard, do it hard, but just do it.. Make it a habit, which pays off in spades. To rely on people and things to motivate you in your life can be very dangerous. They become crutches, and when those crutches are not there, you fall flat on your face. The only person who should motivate you, is the person in the bathroom mirror. Think about it! Nothing in the world can take the place of enthusiasm persistence and determinaation. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful people of talent. The world is filled with educated derelicts. Enthusiam, persistence and determination are alone omnipotent.

Tomorrow gives a man another chance. It comes to us at midnight, and squeaky clean. It's perfect when it arrives, and puts itself in our hands, what we make of tomorow is up to each of us. It hopes we have learned something from yesterday.[author unknown]. When someone wrote, "I am Captain of my fate, and master of my soul",
he might well have written "I am Captain of my soul and master of my attitude", which is what it's all about really, attitude, which can bring about entusiasm persistence and determination.
The way I see it, in all fields of human endeavour, the only three things that pay dividends in the long run are, enthusiasm, determination and persistence. I do believe that if we cultivate these three attributes, we attract to us, others, who have the same attributes.



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