Friday, May 19, 2006


I have , in the past, frequently complained bitterly about the low level of customer service to which we are subjected on a daily basis, so it is with great pleasure, I share with you my latest experience.

For sometime now I have been shopping around for a decent, but not overly expensive pair of tennis shoes. Tennis shoes can cost anything from $30 to up to $200, and sometimes more,but I found a shop in our shopping mall that features a wide range of sneakers at all sorts of prices. Looking around the shop, I was approached a young woman who looks about 14 years old, with big brown eyes; my first thought that she has a Fillipino back ground, and rejoices in the name of Bonnie.

I explained what I was looking for, which Bonnie countered with, "We must first measure your foot Sir, [dig that title!!] or rather both feet, because with most people one foot is larger than the other, and you should always buy the shoes that
fit the larger foot."
That has never occurred to me, an but now I think about it,it really does make good sense. Having arrived at the correct measurement, width and length, Bonnie produced a pair of tennis shoes, which are one and half times larger than the ones I have been wearing. 'You have been wearing the incorrect size for your feet, how you played tennis, is an interesting point, but you will play a lot better now that you are on the right footing!!!" Bonnie [ also a comedian] then proceeded to point out the features of this particular pair of tennis shoes, and what really amazed me was she equalised each feature with a benefit.. I suppose in the end, that is what we all buy isn't it? The benefits, beause the feature is the vehicle to which the benefit is attached. When we spend our money,. if there is no benefit in the purchase, we don't do it, do we? Of course not.

Bonnie having pointed out all the benfits of buying and wearing this particular brand of shoes, probably around 6/7, if memory serves, there was nothing else for me to think about, except that I probably wouldn't do as well eleswhere [including discount], and most certainly wouldn't enjoy the excellent personal customer service. Bonnie made me feel she was really interested in making sure I was buying the right shoe for the right reason at a price I was prepared to pay.

I don't know how much sales training Bonnie has undergone, but I felt that her natural ability, plus her commitment and love of selling certainly came through during our transaction.

I'm very pleased to pass on this happy experience to other Bloggers.



Blogger Seabee said...

According to your first posting you've been playing tennis for more than half a century - and according to this posting, in shoes that were too small! Ouch!

How odd. I thought everyone tried both shoes on before buying, knowing that generally one foot is larger than the other...

1:52 AM  
Blogger caz said...

Dear Seebee, not the same pair of shoes,obviously, didn't yo? realise that; silly boy.

4:23 AM  
Blogger caz said...

Further, one does usually try both shoes on; no, 'not generally knowing that one foot is larger than the other.

It really never occurred to me. New shoes are always a bit stiff and uncomfortable until you break them in, and sometmes the difference is not all that great. Perhaps in your case one foot is very much larger than the other;

4:29 AM  
Blogger Seabee said...

We learn something new every day.

I thought everyone knew that generally one foot is larger than the other, from the time of school shoes when feet were measured on a little wooden box with a sliding brass measuring device, which every shoe shop used.

So that's the new thing I've learned today - some people try on both shoes without knowing or wondering why.

9:00 AM  

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