Monday, February 20, 2006

It is sometime since I posted my first blog, and a friend has reminded me to stop prevaricating and post some of my thoughts.

The words, Please, Thank You, Good Morning/Afternoon etc, seem to have disappeared alt
ogether from the vocabulary of shop assistants. We are left with the totally pointless greeting of ' 'Ow are yer', and on departing from the cash desk, 'Ave a good day'. Imagine the poor who has cancer and all the troubles and problems you could imagine, doing a his bit of shopping and being told to 'Ave a goodday';. God almighty, who trains the trainer??.. When I mentioned this problem some time ago in our local paper, I was taken to task by a couple of readers who said they were 'trained' to make these remarks.
Why is it?

I have spent a lifetime in the fascinating selling industry, and boy oh boy, you had better believe that I have learned thing or three or more.! I have,for nearly half a centnry, most of my working life, dealt with people of all colours shapes and sizes, and from all levels, the sales person to the top level of
management, my job was attached to the hospitality industry, encompassing the the tourist industry. hotels/ travel agencies,/resorts throughout Great Britain, Australasia, all ports of call from Bali to Tokyo,and everything in between, across the Pacific to Fiji, Bali to Tokyo, across to the Hawaiian Islands thence to the West Coast and onward to Canada.

For all the bloggers who are involved in the selling industry, irrespective of product or service, here is a communication check list. Read, learn and inwardly digest. Remember that communication is a two way street, and the art of communication is getting on the same wavelength as the person to whom you are talking and stay in tune. Remember also, the divorce courts are full of people who thought they were communicating with each other. They weren't, they were taking 'AT' each other.!!!!!!!!!!

The communication checklist followes. [By the by, if you think it is very old fashioned, well it is, I'v e been using it since 1950!! and it still works.

Communication is basically, the sending and receiving of a message from one to another. Whether that message, by whatever means, is properly sent and correctly understood is very much another matter. Example.

Do you find yourself waiting impaitiently to for the other person to shut up, so that you may speak?

Are you in such a hurry to offer a solution that you didn't wait to hear the full story, understand the problem?

Do you take mental side excursions while the other person is talking?

Do you put yourself in the other fellows place to understand what makes him say or do that?
Are you alert for misunderstandings that could arise because the words don't mean the same to you as they do to to him/her?

Do you put him/her at ease?
Do you encourage him/her to ask questions\Do you distinguish between fact and opinions?
Is what you say clear, concise complete correct, and courteous?

So, because we say the words doesn't mean that we communicate.
Communication, successful communication, is being on the same wavelength and staying in tune.

So often we are not, think about it,
and ask,

what am I not doing.?


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